Dr. Angelia Griffin

Dr. Angelia Griffin

Tragically and suddenly losing a loved one leaves us with no chance to properly say our goodbyes. And, children are expected to bury their parents. Nowhere is it written that parents are expected to bury their children. How one grieves typically varies from one person to the next. Essentially, there is no one way to determine the way people should grieve or even prepare us for a loss. 

The focus of this book is to share eight (8) essential ingredients that helped me to achieve peace and wholeness, along with twenty-one lessons learned which helped me overcome a feeling of bondage and confinement resulting from the unexpected and tragic murder of my only son when he was away at college. It is my humble hope after reading each chapter and completing each activity nestled at the end of each chapter in this book, you too will be in a better space to establish a greater sense of purpose, which may help lead you through your healing journey necessary to find resolve and peace bigger than your pain. 

Finally, to every person reading this compilation of heartfelt thoughts, it is my humble prayer after reading the last word on the final page of this book, you too will be encouraged, motivated, and empowered to continue living a refreshed life in a world where you really do matter despite life’s disappointments associated with the unexpected death of your loved one. To achieve peace on your healing and recovery journey, I maintain Turning In Is The Only Way Out!”
