Deborah K. Webb

Deborah K. Webb

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Deborah K. Webb is an apostolic prophet and overseer, dynamic motivational speaker, spiritual care provider, and thought influencer. She has been gifted and blessed by God with a unique anointing to impactfully share words of hope and healing with others.

Her life passion has been to engage the downtrodden, undervalued, and hurting population. She strives to help effectuate positive change. She is also strongly committed and engaged in many organizations as a mental health advocate. Her work is aimed at dispelling the myths associated with mental illness as well as destigmatizing the negativity associated with seeking assistance for mental health disorders.

Moreover, she has a vibrant ecumenical influence as a spiritual advisor and trusted confidante. She is a willing vessel for the Lord who serves her community with great care, concern, and compassion.

[Click here for Kindle eBook]

Dark Shadows: My COVID-19 Experience
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